爱游戏最新官方下载,爱游戏最新官方网址 MyGroton Zebra Tales arrow Main Groton Site 2023-24 arrow Hanna '27 Angus '25 Ella '25 Allen '24 Stephanie '26 JP '25 Semira '26 Jamie '26 2022-23 arrow Arjun '24 Zola '23 Angus '25 Daisy '24 David '23 Maddie '24 Agathe '24 Andres '24 2021-22 arrow Sam '23 Robin '22 Andres '24 Maya '23 Maddie '23 Sheena '24 Larry '23 CJ '24 2020-21 arrow Kaiden '23 Lloxci '21 Allison '22 Maddie '23 Jared '22 Amber '23 Trey '21 Noah '21 Zebra Tales News Detail – Zebra Tales A Day in Boston 8/29/2022 It had only been a few days into summer vacation when my brother, Jaden, and I went to Boston for a day. He had some places in mind that he’d wanted to visit and decided to drag me along with him. So, as the license-less individuals we are, we bought train tickets the night before. Then, in the morning, we ate a quick breakfast and rushed to the train station. (We may have overslept just a little bit …) Luckily, we made it in time to board the train. And off to Boston we went! Our first stop was the Garment District, a two-story clothing store in Cambridge. Seeing as the store sells both new and used apparel and vintage items, quite an eccentric mix of products met the eye. An assortment of costume pieces filled the bottom floor. There were hats, masks, tiaras, and anything else that could be useful for a Groton School Spirit Week! The top floor was a blast from the past! Stuffed racks, labeled with the various decades the clothes hailed from, were arranged all around the vast space. I had a fun time laughing at Jaden as he tried on some of the stuff from the ’70s and ’80s. I purchased not the ’70s or ’80s items but a shirt with Biggie Smalls on the front and an oversized white sweatshirt. Then we walked over to a nearby Dunkin’. The day we chose to go to Boston was extremely warm, and we were walking around a lot, so we were a little dehydrated. So we stopped for some drinks! I got a strawberry-dragonfruit refresher (I highly recommend it), and Jaden got the mango-pineapple (the strawberry-dragonfruit is better). Then we walked over to our cousin Sarah’s workplace to grab her before going to eat a late lunch on Newbury Street. I got a burger and fries (delicious), Jaden got a po’ boy (fried shrimp sandwich, also delicious), and Sarah got a tofu rice bowl (once again, delicious). I might have stolen some bites off their plates.We finished the day with a quick stop at a boba place (yum!) and then a train ride back to Sarah’s house, where we slept over.My overall rating of the day: 10/10!  Back 1/5 爱游戏最新官方下载,爱游戏最新官方网址