爱游戏ayx官网体育,爱游戏ayx官网 MyGroton About arrow Fast Facts Our Headmaster Inclusion Board of Trustees Sustainability Strategic Framework 2030 History Media Our Campus Working at Groton Admission arrow Admission Overview Inquire How to Visit, Interview, and Apply Tuition & Affordability Connect With Us Meet the Team Zebra Tales: Student Blogs Athletics Interest Form Performing Arts Interest Form Application Portal Academics arrow Curriculum Global Education College Counseling Library GRACE Summer Program Academic Technology Academic Services Teaching Chairs Arts arrow Theater Music Visual Art arrow Galleries Dance Performing Arts Interest Form Athletics arrow Teams Calendar & Scores Livestreams Athletics Interest Form Facilities Athletic Hall of Fame Holiday Tournaments Student Life arrow Living at Groton arrow Dining Hall Menu Advising Community Engagement Leadership Spiritual Life Counseling Clubs & Organizations Zebra Tales Giving arrow Give Online Groton Fund Planned Giving News Alumni arrow Alumni Events Reunion GrotonConnect Volunteering Awards Giving Parents arrow Prize Day Parents Weekend Business Office Giving Calendar Search News Alumni Alumni Events Reunion GrotonConnect Volunteering Awards Giving Parents Prize Day Parents Weekend Business Office Giving Calendar myGroton About Fast Facts Our Headmaster Inclusion Board of Trustees Sustainability Strategic Framework 2030 History Media Our Campus Working at Groton Admission Admission Overview Inquire How to Visit, Interview, and Apply Tuition & Affordability Connect With Us Meet the Team Zebra Tales: Student Blogs Athletics Interest Form Performing Arts Interest Form Application Portal Academics Curriculum Global Education College Counseling Library GRACE Summer Program Academic Technology Academic Services Teaching Chairs Arts Theater Music Visual Art Galleries Dance Performing Arts Interest Form Athletics Teams Calendar & Scores Livestreams Athletics Interest Form Facilities Athletic Hall of Fame Holiday Tournaments Student Life Living at Groton Dining Hall Menu Advising Community Engagement Leadership Spiritual Life Counseling Clubs & Organizations Zebra Tales Giving Give Online Groton Fund Planned Giving About Fast Facts Our Headmaster Inclusion Board of Trustees Sustainability Strategic Framework 2030 History Media Our Campus Working at Groton Admission Admission Overview Inquire How to Visit, Interview, and Apply Tuition & Affordability Connect With Us Meet the Team Zebra Tales: Student Blogs Athletics Interest Form Performing Arts Interest Form Application Portal Academics Curriculum Global Education College Counseling Library GRACE Summer Program Academic Technology Academic Services Teaching Chairs Arts Theater Music Visual Art Galleries Dance Performing Arts Interest Form Athletics Teams Calendar & Scores Livestreams Athletics Interest Form Facilities Athletic Hall of Fame Holiday Tournaments Student Life Living at Groton Dining Hall Menu Advising Community Engagement Leadership Spiritual Life Counseling Clubs & Organizations Zebra Tales Giving Give Online Groton Fund Planned Giving News Alumni Alumni Events Reunion GrotonConnect Volunteering Awards Giving Parents Prize Day Parents Weekend Business Office Giving Calendar Search myGroton About Home > About Fast Facts Our Headmaster Inclusion Board of Trustees Sustainability Strategic Framework 2030 History Media Our Campus Working at Groton –> Our Mission: To inspire lives of character, scholarship, leadership, and service within a diverse, inclusive, and close-knit community. Groton is different. Here's why … List of 9 items. Everyone Belongs In a school of 380 students, you can be yourself and feel at home. Groton students are united by a deep commitment to each other and to the community. Exceptional Scholarship Increasingly rare are opportunities to study two languages or take six courses, but Groton students can. Superior performance on standardized tests, high rates of admission to selective colleges, and impressive performance in college and beyond demonstrate how well prepared our graduates are. Depth and Breadth We avoid the contemporary emphasis on specialization: Groton believes that adolescents should expand their vision, not narrow it. Students develop the talents they already know, but also explore and nurture new ones. Individualized Education Students can design tutorials in subjects of special interest, under the guidance of a faculty member. They also may opt for afternoon Faculty-Sponsored Activities (FSAs), which allow in-depth study of anything from chemistry to photography to literature to rugby. Character We celebrate goodness and kindness, integrity and civility. The school’s motto, cui servire est regnare (for whom service is perfect freedom) inspires a desire to look beyond oneself. From President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Groton 1900) and three current U.S. Congressmen to those working at neighborhood nonprofits, many alumni work for the common good. Prefect Year Groton entrusts every senior with the responsibility to lead. Every Sixth Former leads a dorm, and many also assume other “prefect” roles throughout the school. Groton graduates understand their leadership style and capabilities. Spirituality Spirituality can help us make sense of a complicated world. Weekday Chapel services provide grounding and daily wisdom, while classroom study instills religious literacy, a critical component of a well-rounded education. Students attend weekly services in their religion of choice, reflecting the inclusivity embraced by Episcopal schools like Groton. The Circle Groton’s property, 35 miles northwest of Boston, stretches across 480 acres but centers around the Circle—a setting so scenic that Architectural Digest named it the most beautiful independent school in the state. Designed by renowned landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, the Circle is purposefully open to the West, with mountain vistas suggesting infinite possibility. Traditions Groton traditions range from morning Chapel and Roll Call to handshaking every night and at the end of each school year. Surprise Holidays, St. Mark’s Days, the school birthday dinner, Lessons & Carols, and other beloved traditions serve not as empty rituals, but rather as significant practices that build our sense of community. Inclusion at Groton Inclusion As soon as Headmaster Temba Maqubela first stepped on the Groton Circle in 2013, he began talking about Inclusion. He spoke of it so often that students began referring to it as “the I-word.” As an anti-apartheid activist in his native South Africa, the fight for inclusion was deep within Mr. Maqubela’s heritage. But he made others understand that it is deep within theirs, too. He regularly helps the Groton community understand that diverse backgrounds and experiences are crucial components of an excellent education, and that education itself can help people maintain their dignity. –> Headmaster Temba Maqubela Learn more about our visionary headmaster, his inspiring life story, dedication to teaching, and the impact he has on Groton today. For Whom Service Is Perfect Freedom Cui Servire Est Regnare  The school’s motto, Cui Servire Est Regnare, derived from the Book of Common Prayer, originally referred to a person’s service to God. The motto is now accepted more broadly to connote service to the community and the world, and it inspires many Grotonians to make community service part of their lives. Groton had two earlier mottos, before the turn of the twentieth century: Esse quam videri (To be rather than to seem) and the lesser-known Deo Magistro Semper Condiscipuli (Forever fellow-learners, God, our Master, blessing). –> Our History In many ways, Groton School history is American history. Commencement speakers have included President Theodore Roosevelt, a close friend of founder Endicott Peabody’s, and Franklin D. Roosevelt (Groton Form of 1900). Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke at the school in 1963, just months before his “I Have a Dream” speech. Groton graduates are an important part of school history, as many make an impact on the country and the world. Groton School Groton School Mission: To inspire lives of character, scholarship, leadership, and service within a diverse, inclusive, and close-knit community. 282 Farmers RowGroton, MA 01450Tel: 978-448-3363 School Store Privacy Policy © 2024 Groton School. All Rights Reserved. + Open Sitemap About Fast Facts Our Headmaster Inclusion Board of Trustees Sustainability Strategic Framework 2030 History Media Our Campus Working at Groton Admission Admission Overview Inquire How to Visit, Interview, and Apply Tuition & Affordability Connect With Us Meet the Team Zebra Tales: Student Blogs Athletics Interest Form Performing Arts Interest Form Application Portal Academics Curriculum Global Education College Counseling Library GRACE Summer Program Academic Technology Academic Services Teaching Chairs Arts Theater Music Visual Art Galleries Dance Performing Arts Interest Form Athletics Teams Calendar & Scores Livestreams Athletics Interest Form Facilities Athletic Hall of Fame Holiday Tournaments Student Life Living at Groton Dining Hall Menu Advising Community Engagement Leadership Spiritual Life Counseling Clubs & Organizations Zebra Tales Giving Give Online Groton Fund Planned Giving 爱游戏ayx官网体育,爱游戏ayx官网